Team training strengthens collaboration and improves communication.

Unleash your full potential with inspiring seminars and powerful team trainings! Whether you prefer English or German, I offer tailor-made training programmes to suit your needs upon request. Bring your team together and discover new horizons in our space at WISH Mindscience in 1140 Vienna, in an exclusive event location of your choice, or in your own premises. Let’s work together on your success and pave the way to new possibilities. Request your individual quote now and experience a motivating journey that will inspire your team in the long run!
SaaS products for workplace collaboration
Platform for employer reviews and information on salary and company culture.
Construction, building resources, and rail technology.
Leading provider of digital recruiting and employer branding in the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) region.
Medical products and services, Vienna.
Plastic production, Schwechat, Vienna.
Psychological and mental health services for businesses (organizational development, business coaching, training and education, psychosocial counseling, etc.)
Personalisierte Bonbons
Agency for translation, interpretation and language courses
Full-service provider for professional writing.
Software design and consultancy
In cooperation with Harrer Mental Coaching and Christoph Sieber (Olympic gold medalist, 2000 Sydney, windsurfing).
In cooperation with Institut Kutschera
XXII World Congress of Medical & Clinical Hypnosis
Polski Instytut Ericksonowski / The International Society of Hypnosis (ISH)
Bridging the expectation gap: combining medical and psychotherapeutic approaches in the use of hypnosis as an experiential learning tool.
Joint Workshop with Dr. Stella Nkenke.
Couples Conference - "Liebesglück & Liebesfrust"
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)
Workshop: Wenn das Chaos intensiver Emotionalität die Paartherapie bedroht – Emotionsfokussierte Ansätze, um Reaktivität positiv anzuordnen und therapeutisch nutzbar zu machen (EN. When the chaos of intense emotionality threatens couples therapy – emotion-focused approaches to positively framing reactivity and utilizing it therapeutically)
Hypnosystemic Conference - Hypnosystemische Tagung - "Begegnung auf Augenhöhe"
Milton Erickson Institut Innsbruck (MEI).
Der Narr, der Liebhaber und der Dichter sind voller Fantasie. Die Utilisierung von Metaphern, Storytelling und ver-rückten Wahrheiten in der Paartherapie
(EN. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all compact. The Utilisation of metaphors, storytelling, and unusual narratives in Couples Therapy)
Couples Conference - "Paare und Dynamik"
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)
Workshop: Kälte existiert nicht, es gibt lediglich (Wärme und) weniger Wärme. Hypnotherapeutische Ansätze zur Inspiration von Bindung und Liebe. (EN. There is no cold, only absence of heat – hypnosystemic approaches for eliciting bonding and love)
13th International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis & Psychotherapy
Congress organised by the Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
Workshop: There is no cold, only absence of heat: eliciting emotional warmth in relationships. The workshop is published as an audio stream here.
Couples Conference - "Paare in Bewegung III"
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)
Workshop: Engpässe in der Paartherapie – was nun? Hypnosystemische Vorgehensweisen zur Erweiterung des Beziehungshorizonts. (EN. Where to go from a dead end in couples therapy. Hypnosystemic approaches for setting courses for new relationship horizons.)
Liebe auf Distanz (EN. Love from a Distance)
Volkshochschule (VHS) Wien (Adult Education Centre Vienna)
Interactive lecture on attachment in long-distance relationships.
Liebe auf Distanz (EN. Love from a Distance)
Orgnised by FIBEL - Frauen-Initiative Bikulturelle Ehen und Lebensgemeinschaften (EN Women's Initiative for Bicultural Marriages and Cohabitation) and Volkshochschule (VHS) Wien (Adult Education Centre Viena)
Interactive lecture on attachment in long-distance relationships.
Workshop: Reactive Couples and the Triangulation with the Unborn Child
Aktion Leben (EN. Action Life) prenatal counselling
Workshop: "Mit leerem Magen ist nicht gut arbeiten"
Jour Fixe Abend of the ÖAS - Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für systemische Therapie & systemische Studien (EN. Austrian Working Group for Systemic Therapy & Systemic Studies)
Hypnosystemic concepts for fostering love and attachment in couples therapy.
Workshop: Engpässe in der Paartherapie – was nun?
Jour Fixe evening organised by the LASF - Lehranstalt für systemische Familientherapie (EN. Academy for Systemic Family Therapy).
Hypnosystemic approaches for fostering love and attachment in couples therapy.
Get in touch
Kevin J. Hall, MSc
Psychotherapist (systemic family therapy), cert. emotionally focused therapist (ICEEFT), ACC/IOBC Senior Coach, Hypnotherapist (ISH)
Kontakt Details
+43 1 9900858
WISH Mindscience, Straßgschwandtnerstraße 4/1, 1140 Vienna, Austria