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Curriculum Vitae

KEVIN J. HALL, BSc(hons), MSc

Psychotherapist, Coach, Speaker

Hi, I’m Kevin Hall. I am a British-born psychotherapist, mental health coach and speaker at Austrian and international conferences on the topics of couples therapy and hypnotherapy. I am also founder and director of the mental health centre, WISH Mindscience. I work in English and German with individuals, couples, families and business executives. My passion is helping people develop emotional and relational competency.

A little
about me

I was born in 1974 in Birmingham, UK. I have lived in Austria permanently since 2000 and was granted Austrian citizenship in 2019. I live together with my wife (who is Viennese), daughter and cat, Minou.  


July 21st, 1974


+43 1 9900858



Straßgschwandtnerstraße 4/1, 1140 Vienna, Austria


key qualifications


Registered and licensed psychotherapist (systemic family therapy), ICEEFT-certified Emotionally Focused Therapist (EFIT, EFTC, EFFT)


Hypnotherapist with training according to Milton Erickson Gesellschaft (MEG) guidelines and member of the International Society for Hypnosis (ISH)


2024, ONLINE

Training and certification as an Emotionally Focused Therapist for Families (EFFT)
Training led by the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). With Gayle Palmer, Kathryn de Bruin.

  • Certification in May 2024
  • Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (Level 2) in April 2024
  • Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (Level 1) in March 2024

2024, ONLINE

Training and certification as an Emotionally Focused Therapist for Individuals (EFIT)
Training led by the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). With Leanne Campbell, Ali Barbosa.

  • Certification in March 2024
  • EFIT Essentials in February 2024

2018 - 2022, LONDON

Training and certification as an Emotionally Focused Therapist for Couples (EFTC)
Training led by the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). With Gail Palmer, Helene Igwebuike, and Sandra Taylor. Supervision with Rebecca Jorgensen.

  • Certification in September 2022
  • Core Skills 1-4
  • Externship

August 2021, ONLINE

Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Level 1
EFT Vancouver Island (Sue Johnson and Leanne Campbell)

2016 - 2022, vienna

Jeffrey Zeig Master Class
4-day practice-based seminar for experienced psychotherapists and coaches who want to refine experiential techniques. I attended four times. 

2017 - 2018, vienna

Hypnosystemic concepts for coaching, supervision and personality development
With Martina Gross (Hypnosynstitut) and Reinhold Bartl (Milton Erickson Institut Innsbruck).

2015 - 2017, vienna

Advanced clinical training in trauma therapy and EMDR (Level 1)
Organised by the Academy for Systemic and Family Therapy (LASF) and die Freie EMDR Akademie (FEMDRA).

2013 - 2014, vienna

Advanced training in clinical hypnosis and Ericksonian hypnotherapy

Hypnosynstitut curriculum for clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy which meets the guidelines of the international Milton Erickson Gesellschaft (MEG).

With Ortwin Meiss, Gunther Schmidt, Martina Gross, Dirk Revenstorf, Elsbeth Freundenfeld, Cornelia Schweizer, Guita Benguid.

2010 - 2014, vienna

Advanced clinical training in psychotherapy (Fachspezifikum/Austrian state licence), systemic and family therapy
Academy for Systemic and Family Therapy (LASF). 

During this specialised training, psychotherapists in training must as part of their training work with clients under supervision for 700 hours. At the end of training, psychotherapists are registered in the Austrian list of psychotherapists.

2007 - 2010, vienna

Propaedeutic studies in psychotherapy, Pass with distinction
Verein für Rogerianische Psychotherapie (VRP)

2008 - 2009, vienna

NLP Master
Institut Kutschera

2006 - 2008, vienna

Dipl. Coach & NLP Practioner
Institut Kutschera and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in Vienna (WIFI Wien)

Coaching training based on NLP and systemic approaches

1996 - 1997, birmiNGham, UK

MSc, Cognitive Science
University of Birmingham

1992 - 1996, birmingham, UK

BSc (hons), International Business with German
Aston University and the University of Innsbruck (year 3).



Five Principles of Interpersonal Alchemy for Enhancing Rapport and Eliciting Responsiveness in Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques, Vol. 2: Favorite Methods of Master Clinicians (Voices of Experience), edited by Mark P. Jensen

2019, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation

There is No Cold. Only Absence of Heat: Eliciting Emotional Warmth in Relationships - Short Course, recorded at the Erickson Congress in Phoenix, USA on Dec. 12th 2019

2017, Ökonomische Rezepte für die Arbeit mit Paaren – Die Verwertung von bestehenden Zutaten zur Ernährung der Liebe

„Recipes for couples working on a budget: nourishing love and romance from the leftovers” in the Journal (Systemische Notizen, Vol. 2 2017) of the LASF (Academy for Systemic Family Therapy).

Read the full article here.

2015, Zum Blues tanzen lernen – beschwingende Tanzschritte für Trauernde und deren Verstorbene

„Introduction to Blues Dancing – inspiring choreographies for mourners and their deceased” in the Journal (Systemische Notizen, Vol. 2 2015) of the LASF (Academy for Systemic Family Therapy).
Read the article in German here


2017-PRESENT, 1140 vienna

WISH Mindscience
Founder and director. Psychotherapist and coach

WISH Mindscience is a centre for mental health and professional coaching. Our team consists of specialists in psychotherapy, psychology, psychiatry, and coaching.

In my role as a psychotherapist and coach, I work with private individuals, couples, and families, as well as with team members, professionals, and executives of various companies. Companies I have worked with include MeisterLabs GmbH, Fürstenberg Institute, Xing, Konunu, Live Nation, Borealis, SMC, and Rhomberg Bau.

2012-2017, vienna

Private Practice
Psychotherapist and Coach, Vienna

Psychotherapy, couples therapy, family therapy, coaching, and supervision in various group practices in Vienna.

2012-2013, RUST, AUSTRIA

Sonnenpark rehabilitation clinic, Neusiedlersee

Psychotherapy with patients in psychiatric rehabilitation, particularly those with burnout and depression.

2009-2011, VIENNA

Various social and psychiatric institutions
Psychotherapist in training

Vocational training on the job in various institutions:

  • Psychotherapy clinic of the Lehranstalt für systemische Familientherapie (LASF)
  • Neurological Centre, Otto Wagner Hospital
  • Kolping counselling services
  • EXUF Verein für Existenz- und Familienberatung (existential and family counselling)
2007-2010, VIENNA

Institut Kutschera

Co-trainer for courses on NLP, coaching, team building and personality development. Clients included WIFI Burgenland, Canon, Labau landscape gardening. 

1999-2012, UK, BELGIUM, Austria

Various companies
Marketing and Business Intelligence

  • T-Mobile International Austria GmbH, Vienna, senior marketing manager (2006-2012)
  • Mediornet GmbH, Vienna, head of marketing (2003-2006)
  • SAS Austria, Vienna, business intelligence consultant (2000-2003)
  • SOLID Partners, Brussels, senior consultant, business intelligence (1998-2000)
  • OCS Consulting, London, junior consultant, business intelligence (1997-1998)


March 2024, ONLINE

Resilience Congress 2024

Veranstalter: Sebastian Mauritz

Presentation: Eine bindungsorientierte Sicht der Resilienz (EN: An attachment-orientated view of resilience)

april 2023, linz, austria

Couples Conference - "Liebesglück & Liebesfrust"

Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)

Workshop: Wenn das Chaos intensiver Emotionalität die Paartherapie bedroht – Emotionsfokussierte Ansätze, um Reaktivität positiv anzuordnen und therapeutisch nutzbar zu machen (EN. When the chaos of intense emotionality threatens couples therapy – emotion-focused approaches to positively framing reactivity and utilizing it therapeutically)


Hypnosystemic Conference - Hypnosystemische Tagung - "Begegnung auf Augenhöhe"
Milton Erickson Institut Innsbruck (MEI).

Der Narr, der Liebhaber und der Dichter sind voller Fantasie. Die Utilisierung von Metaphern, Storytelling und ver-rückten Wahrheiten in der Paartherapie

(EN. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all compact. The Utilisation of metaphors, storytelling, and unusual narratives in Couples Therapy)


Couples Conference - "Paare und Dynamik"
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)

Workshop: Kälte existiert nicht, es gibt lediglich (Wärme und) weniger Wärme. Hypnotherapeutische Ansätze zur Inspiration von Bindung und Liebe. (EN. There is no cold, only absence of heat – hypnosystemic approaches for eliciting bonding and love)

december 2019, phoenix, usa

13th International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis & Psychotherapy
Congress organised by the Milton H. Erickson Foundation.

Workshop: There is no cold, only absence of heat: eliciting emotional warmth in relationships. The workshop is published as an audio stream here.


Couples Conference - "Paare in Bewegung III"
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)

Workshop: Engpässe in der Paartherapie – was nun? Hypnosystemische Vorgehensweisen zur Erweiterung des Beziehungshorizonts. (EN. Where to go from a dead end in couples therapy. Hypnosystemic approaches for setting courses for new relationship horizons.)


13.06.2025 – 14.06.2025, MEGA, 1080 VIENNA

Limbischer Tango für romantisch Veranlagte - Emotionsfokussierte Hypnotherapie für Paare
Organizer: Milton Erickson Gesellschaft Austria (MEGA)

In this seminar (held in German), participants will learn how evidence-based methods of emotion-focused therapy can be used in conjunction with Ericksonian hypnotic language and techniques of hypnotic induction to help couples befriend their inner emotional worlds and build a secure bond with one other.


Gemeinsam können wir Brücken aus Gold bauen! - Emotionsfokussierte Hypnotherapie im Umgang mit Wut und Zorn
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)

Webinar held in German on the application of emotion-focussed hypnotherapy in dealing with anger and rage.

oKtober 2024, ONLINE

Verwurzelt im Vertrauen - Emotionsfokussierte Hypnotherapie als nährstoffreicher Boden zur Kultivierung des Selbstwertgefühls
Organizer: Das Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung (VPA)

Webinar held in German on the application of emotion-focussed hypnotherapy for improving self-esteem.

october 2021, vienna

Liebe auf Distanz (EN. Love from a Distance)
Volkshochschule (VHS) Wien (Adult Education Centre Vienna)

Interactive lecture on attachment in long-distance relationships.

february 2021, vienna

Liebe auf Distanz (EN. Love from a Distance)
Orgnised by FIBEL - Frauen-Initiative Bikulturelle Ehen und Lebensgemeinschaften (EN Women's Initiative for Bicultural Marriages and Cohabitation) and Volkshochschule (VHS) Wien (Adult Education Centre Viena)

Interactive lecture on attachment in long-distance relationships.

october 2021, vienna

Workshop: Reactive Couples and the Triangulation with the Unborn Child
Aktion Leben (EN. Action Life) prenatal counselling

may 2018, vienna

Workshop: "Mit leerem Magen ist nicht gut arbeiten"
Jour Fixe Abend of the ÖAS - Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für systemische Therapie & systemische Studien (EN. Austrian Working Group for Systemic Therapy & Systemic Studies)

Hypnosystemic concepts for fostering love and attachment in couples therapy.

may 2018, linz and september 2017, vienna

Workshop: Engpässe in der Paartherapie – was nun?
Jour Fixe evening organised by the LASF - Lehranstalt für systemische Familientherapie (EN. Academy for Systemic Family Therapy).

Hypnosystemic approaches for fostering love and attachment in couples therapy.


Certified emotionally focused therapist (International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy)

Get in touch

If you would like to book an appointment, please fill out the online contact form which you will find by clicking on the button below. For all other requests please contact me by e-mail at As I spend the majority of my working day in therapy, counselling and training sessions it is difficult to get hold of me by phone.
Kevin J. Hall, MSc

Psychotherapist (systemic family therapy), cert. emotionally focused therapist (ICEEFT), ACC/IOBC Senior Coach, Hypnotherapist (ISH)

Kontakt Details

+43 1 9900858


WISH Mindscience, Straßgschwandtnerstraße 4/1, 1140 Vienna, Austria

Connect with me on social media